Saturday, July 21, 2012


People want to say what about your responsibilities,
Their lives,
You're not a cattle to be herded,
Your life is your prize,
Keep lies off your highs,
And if you have to cut those ties,
They want to play simple realities,
But that's not how life works,
And that's not how you get happy,
Go and be free,
Go my friend,
If you're ready go,

You might think no one believes in you,
But you believe in you,
Anyways no one believing in you can't defeat you,
That's only something you can do,
And you don't have time to be your own worst enemy,
They might chant,
They might chatter,
That you will find yourself alone,
But alone can be happy and being surround by thousands can be alone,
Caught in a structure of what everyone sees as perfect for you,
What they want for you is them being selfious,
Because the point is where you find happiness is where you find yourself on your own road,

People want to say what about your responsibilities,
Their lives,
They want to play simple realities,

They want to talk about what's tough,
But the part you need to scream is when you say I'm not coming back home,
Your life matters,
Pull up that shield,
Not to hide but to defend,
Because this your happy chant,
And that's how life works,
That's how you get happy,
Go and be free for you,
My friend if your ready go,

(c)brian c. williams

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